EU's competencies

The European Union is a unique political and economic partnership of 27 member states that have voluntarily chosen to pool their sovereignty to achieve common goals. The EU’s heart lies a delicate balance between integration and national sovereignty. While integration has brought numerous benefits, such as economic cooperation, freedom of movement, and shared values, it has also raised concerns about the potential erosion of national sovereignty. Finding the right equilibrium between these two principles is an ongoing challenge for the EU.

The desire for peace, stability, and economic prosperity has driven integration within the EU. By creating a single market, adopting a common currency (in the eurozone), and developing common policies and institutions, the EU has fostered deep cooperation among member states. This integration has allowed the free movement of goods, services, capital, and people, promoting trade, investment, and cultural exchange. Furthermore, EU member states have worked together to address common challenges like climate change, migration, and security threats.

However, concerns about the loss of national sovereignty have surfaced as integration progresses. Critics argue that decisions made at the EU level may override national interests and restrict the autonomy of member states. In addition, the EU’s supranational institutions, such as the European Commission and the European Court of Justice, can propose and enforce policies binding on member states. As a result, it has led to debates about the democratic legitimacy of decision-making processes and the influence of unelected officials.

European Commission

To address these concerns, the EU has adopted mechanisms to strike a balance between integration and national sovereignty. One such mechanism is the principle of subsidiarity, which ensures that decisions are made at the most appropriate level. According to this principle, the EU should only take action if it can achieve better results than member states acting individually. Furthermore, it aims to ensure that decisions are made as close to the citizens as possible, allowing national governments to retain control over areas that fall within their competence.

Another mechanism is the principle of proportionality, which requires EU actions to be limited to what is necessary to achieve the EU’s objectives and not exceed what is required. This principle ensures that the EU’s involvement is justified and respects the diversity of national circumstances and preferences.

Additionally, member states retain certain areas of exclusive competence, such as defense, taxation, and social security, where they can make decisions independently. The EU’s competencies are defined in treaties, and any extension of EU powers requires the unanimous consent of member states.

Balancing integration and national sovereignty is an ongoing process that requires continuous dialogue and negotiation among member states. The EU strives to ensure that decisions are made collectively, with input from all member states, while respecting the diversity and sovereignty of each nation. The principle of solidarity underpins this cooperative approach, emphasizing that member states should support and assist each other when faced with challenges.

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